How to simplify the process of finding a VA for your business

Hi Reader,

Being a business owner often means wearing multiple hats and juggling multiple tasks all by yourself.

You want to do it all because you’re very conscious of your budget and need to be able to afford to run your business as it grows.

But once you start to see consistent sales and cash flow, you get even busier managing your deliverables, and your business growth should not come at the expense of your efficiency or your personal wellbeing.

When that momentum starts to build - that’s when you need to hire help, and a Virtual Assistant (or VA) is the ideal place to start!

Your VA can take care of so many business tasks, freeing you up to focus on the core activities that really need you - your face, your experience, your personality.

But many entrepreneurs, particularly those in the first few years of running their business, find the process of finding and hiring a VA a bit too overwhelming, and as a result tend to put it off and struggle on by themselves (often burning out in the process!)

Where do you begin when looking for a VA? What should you look for in terms of their skills? How do you ensure they align with your business values and needs?

My guest on the show this week is one half of an incredible team that specialises in helping business owners find the perfect VA, and helping VAs establish their virtual assistant business so that the client & VA relationship can be the perfect match!

Founders of The Newcastle Virtual Assistants, Adrienne Donnelly and Jane Ekholm are passionate about the VA industry in Australia and provide a space for their members to thrive, offering them mentoring, resources, guidance, connection, and learning opportunities.

They not only act as a conduit between business owners and local Virtual Assistants through education and matchmaking, they also work with industry partners to continue to raise the profile and ensure the quality of the VA industry in our community, and beyond.

Adrienne and Jane have helped more than 40 business owners find a VA through their matchmaking service, and they’re looking forward to helping even more people in the business community!

Tune in as Adrienne and I chat about:

  • One of the common pain points for business owners when it comes to the search for a VA
  • How a matchmaking service can help that pain point
  • Some success stories of people they have helped, and
  • How their matchmaking service came to life!

How to simplify the process of finding a VA for your business with Newcastle Virtual Assistants

x Marissa

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Marissa Roberts

I'm Marissa Roberts, host of The Simpler Business Podcast and owner of Beautifully Organised. I send emails that help you simplify your business and life. SIgn up below if you'd like to simplify!

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